Tab 1 - Not Used


Tab 2 - Not Used


Tab 3 - Not Used

Coral Reef Studies

Not Used


Spatial and temporal patterns of mass bleaching of corals in the Anthropocene.

Hughes, TP, Anderson, KD, Connolly, SR, Heron, SF, Kerry, JT, Lough, JM, Baird, AH, Baum, JK, Berumen, ML, Bridge, TC, Claar, DC, Eakin, CM, Gilmour, JP, Graham, NAJ, Harrison, H, Hobbs, J-PA, Hoey, AS, Hoogenboom, M, Lowe, RJ, McCulloch, MT, Pandolfi, JM, Pratchett, M, Schoepf, V, Torda, G, Wilson, SK (2018). Spatial and temporal patterns of mass bleaching of corals in the Anthropocene. Science, 359, 80-83.

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